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Telko locations

Over the years, Telko has grown and expanded activities to several geographical areas. Today, Telko operates in 18 different countries globally, expanding from Europe to Asia.

Ralf Holmlund appointed as a member of the Telko board of directors

Starting from April 1, 2018, Ralf Holmlund, 63, M. Sc. (Econ.), has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Telko Ltd, part of Aspo Group. Ralf Holmlund's previous experience includes international management positions at ExxonMobile and the position of Managing Director at Suomen Lähikauppa Oy.

"I am delighted that Ralf Holmlund will start as a member of the Telko Ltd Board of Directors. His experience in demanding management positions in the distribution business and in retail is an excellent addition to the Telko Board of Directors. The development of businesses belonging to the conglomerate, Aspo, is performed by the Boards of Directors of the business operations. Aspo's aim is to manage and develop these operations so that, if necessary, they will have the capability to operate as entities separate from Aspo," says Aki Ojanen, CEO at Aspo Group.

Anders Dahlblom, Vice President and Managing Director at Paroc Group Oy and Elina Piispanen, Chief Transformation Officer, Sanoma Media Finland will continue as members of the Telko Ltd Board of Directors, and Aki Ojanen, CEO, Aspo Plc, will continue as the Chairman of the Board.

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