Telko news

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Telko Ltd moves to a new office

November 6, 2018 | Telko Ltd

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Dear Partner,


Telko Ltd will move to new office to Espoo, Finland. As of 12.11.2018 Telko’s new addresses will be:


Street address: Telko Ltd, Keilaranta 17, FI-02150 Espoo, Finland

Postal address: Telko Ltd, P.O.Box 43, FI-02151 Espoo, Finland


Telephone numbers stay the same.


Welcome to visit Telko!


Best regards,

Telko Team

Telko Ltd

Telko Ltd

Telko is a leading distributor and solution provider for converters and brand owners looking to safeguard their business with future-proof plastics, chemicals or lubricant solutions. By using industry-leading expertise, strong partnerships and renowned service capabilities to dramatically improve our customers' production lead times, material efficiency, and financial and environmental performance.

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