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Telko locations

Over the years, Telko has grown and expanded activities to several geographical areas. Today, Telko operates in 18 different countries globally, expanding from Europe to Asia.

Telko's Responsibility Report 2018 is published

“At Telko, we see responsibility as essential for our environment, people and society, and  also as a vast strategic opportunity. We are committed to continuous improvement and are proud of this first Telko responsibility report”, says Tomi Tanninen, CEO (interim), Telko Ltd.


Cover page 2018_v2

“Doing business in a responsible way is of utmost importance at Telko. Our people are fully committed to running the business in responsible way.  When Telko was creating its corporate values three years ago, a large number of employees were involved in the value selection project. The employees who participated in the project gave their opinions on the most relevant values describing our way of working and the values we as a company want to emphasize. Responsibility was highlighted as one key value for Telko’s operations. Responsibility at Telko covers not just compliance with legislation, but also doing business in a sustainable way - sustainable for the environment, for the surrounding society, respect for our people, and responsibility from a long-term financial perspective.


We are committed to the responsible business principles  of  our  parent  company Aspo Plc, as described in Aspo’s Code of Conduct. We also follow the European Association of Chemical Distributors’ (FECC) business principles, as well as the principles of the Responsible Care programme and  United  Nations  Global  Compact initiative,  which covers caring for the  environment, climate and labour rights in our business operations.


Telko’s core business is value-added  distribution of raw materials to various industries. Doing business in a responsible and sustainable way is a key part of Telko’s strategy. Sustainability is also mentioned in our Mission statement: ‘We Bridge Industrial Customers and Principals in a Sustainable Way’.


As a strategic target we are increasing the portion our ‘green product portfolio’ accounts for every year in our sales. In particular in the plastics industry, we have added and are in the process of adding more environmentally  friendly  product  lines, including recycled and bio-based plastics raw  materials,  compostable raw materials and compounds of natural fibre and plastics raw materials. One good example is a multi-year project in which we are using nano-cellulose based compounds to replace pure plastics based raw materials with our partner in special electronics and equipment applications.”


Read the report:


Telko Sustainability Report 2018


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