Our targets
Our environmental, social, and corporate governance targets are linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our primary tool for measuring progress is the EcoVadis sustainability rating.

Growing our business while lowering the pressure to the environment
Our environmental targets focus on lowering our carbon intensity, improving waste management, and expanding our environmental handprint. In 2024, we will continue to follow our CO2 emissions reduction roadmap and improve the calculation and collection of product carbon footprint data. We will also begin to measure the progress of our carbon handprint.
Lowering carbon intensity
Follow the roadmap and KPIs for reducing CO2 emissions in Telko transports (Scope 3). Map availability and start collecting product specific CO2 footprint data during 2024.
Improving recycling and waste management
Continuously reduce waste compared to total sales.
Driving sustainable innovations
Actively recognize and promote products and projects affecting positively to our CO2 handprint.
Improving the Telko experience for people in our value chain
Our social sustainability targets reflect our efforts to create a safe, engaging, and inclusive high-performance culture.

Ensuring employee safety
Maintain a zero lost time incident rate.
Improving the employee experience
Maintain an AA+ rating in the employee engagement survey.
Improving the customer and principal experience
Continuously improve customer satisfaction.

Driving sound governance practices at all levels
Our targets related to governance support fostering a culture that values and promotes sustainable, compliant, and ethical operations. As of 2024 and beyond, we aim to significantly improve our knowledge of our value chain, mitigate risks, and provide our customers with more product-specific sustainability data.
Sound governance
100% of employees with min. 3 months of employment complete the Code of Conduct and Compliance trainings annually.
Sustainable value chain
Map availability and start collecting sustainability related product data from suppliers during 2024.Start supplier sustainability risks assessment and management during 2024.
Continuous development of our sustainability programme
Achieve the EcoVadis gold medal and constantly improve our score.
Our progress
We use the EcoVadis sustainability assessment as an objective metric for our sustainability development.